L'Egoiste Nr.15
Natalia Vodianova by Paolo Roversi
These images are from issue 15 of Egoiste Magazine, aka as The Most Beautiful Magazine in the world.
Egoiste, the French cult magazine that comes out every few years, is back with a new issue this month.
In US, you can only buy it from a certain bookstore in New York.
Egoiste was created in 1977 by Nicole Wisniak that wanted to bring together the best photographers and best writers of the moment. There have only been 15 issues so far.
"Le plus beau journal du monde" L'Express
"Is it a magazine or a work of art?"~Philippe Sollers, Le Point
"A masterpiece of esthetics, intelligence and even ethics"~Elle
As you can see, my expectations are pretty high.
Please arrive safely to me.
she is gorgeous !