Saturday, January 1, 2011

Destination: Washington, DC

My outfit during this time was kind of lame, because of the cold. I thought about being fashionable for about 2 seconds, but, again, the comfort and Uggs prevailed. Uggs, aka known the best shoes ever invented. Sorry, Mr. Louboutin, I know I am on your email list and I am in pain every time I look at your glitter.
Louboutin shoes:
“Pick me, pick me. I am so pretty. Just look at me, and my rhinestones. Handmade, all the way. Red Sole™”
“I don’t care what you do. I am comfy and casual, and not so hysteric like these red sole screaming shoes over here. I am relaxed.”
Louboutin Boots:
“Yes, play that card, Uggs. Like you don’t care if you are seeing the White House or not. I am so beautiful, that they might invite me in just because of my beauty. New Year’s Party at the White House. Only me.”
“Whatever, Louboutins. You go and walk around, learn some history about our country instead of screaming and lamenting here all day long. You and your trademark soles. I am kind of tired of being in the same suitcase with you, I wish she wouldn’t have brought you in this trip.”
“I know history. I am European, I know everything. You are from far away Australia. And you are made in China these days, so enough said. See this? Made in France. I am done talking to you.”
“I am sorry, Louboutins, but we are not going to a party today, we are just sight-seeing, and I think Uggs will be more appropiate. Uggs will give you a briefing of the day tonight, so you won’t miss much.”
Decision made.
Here is the briefing.
The White House

The Washington National Cathedral
United States Capitol

Welcome to Washington
Choose anything.

Take me to Paris.
Take me to the Moon.
Feed me.

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